You are fantastic!
I have seen all of your videos up to date and I have to say i am blown away! Your art style and way of story telling is very attention grabbing. I just wish more people in the world were interested in this kind of stuff. Now, I'm from Kentucky USA, and I gotta tell you that because of the culture that I live around I can't quite get it all in one or two or even three views, but I keep coming back and trying to understand it and each time I do I understand more. I don't have the resources needed in order to persue more knowledge due to time constraints and no job or money, but I give you a huge thumbs up and thank whatever diety (or Spirit) that you are out there and trying to help people understand what is happening to our world. Once again, I live in Kentucky, so not a lot of people are even interested in chi or chakra or ancient history, let alone trying to put an effort into applying this knowledge and understanding into their daily lives. I really do try though. My brother has no ambition regardless of my constant yammering. I'd like to say that there is a chance for us later in our fututre, but if what you've been telling us is even remotely true, then we as a species are pretty much fucked. It maybe a few more rotations around the equinox or it could happen next year, but we're going down unless we can get off our asses and unite for the greater good of humanity. Too bad all of the politicians and rulers of the world are all money hungry martians.
Keep up the good work. I'll be watching.